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Safeguarding (Child Protection) Policy

At The Man In The Moon, we are committed to building a "culture of safety" in which children are protected from abuse, harm, and radicalisation. We respond promptly and appropriately to all incidents or concerns regarding the safety of a child. Our child protection procedures comply with all relevant legislation and guidance issued by the Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB).

Child Protection Officer (CPO): A CPO is available at all times during our sessions, coordinating child protection issues and liaising with external agencies (e.g., Social Care, the LSCB, and Ofsted). Our designated Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is Paul Branch.

Child Abuse and Neglect


Child abuse can be physical, emotional, or sexual mistreatment or neglect, leading to injury or harm. It includes direct abuse or neglect and failure to protect a child from harm. Types of abuse include:

  • Emotional Abuse: Persistent emotional maltreatment affecting emotional development.

  • Physical Abuse: Inflicting physical harm or failing to protect from harm.

  • Sexual Abuse: Forcing or enticing participation in sexual activities.

  • Neglect: Failing to meet basic physical and emotional needs.

Signs of Child Abuse and Neglect


Possible signs include:

  • Significant changes in behaviour.

  • Deterioration in well-being.

  • Unexplained bruises or marks.

  • Concerning comments by a child.

  • Inappropriate behavior by an adult.

Responding to Suspected Abuse


If a child discloses abuse, crew members will:

  1. Reassure the child and listen without questioning.

  2. Promise action will be taken.

  3. Record the incident promptly using the Logging a Concern Form.

For suspected or witnessed abuse, crew members will record the incident immediately. If a third party expresses concern, they will be encouraged to contact MASH directly or we will log the incident and contact MASH ourselves.

Peer-on-Peer Abuse


Peer-on-peer abuse is taken seriously and follows the same procedures as other forms of abuse. Concerns include:

  • Sexual activity among primary school-aged children.

  • Significant power imbalance between children.

  • Vulnerability of one child over another.

  • Use of threats or coercion.

Extremism and Radicalisation


We have a legal duty to protect children from radicalisation and extremism. Signs include:

  • Behavioral changes.

  • Justifying violence.

  • Viewing or sharing extremist material.

Concerns are recorded on a Logging a Concern Form and referred to the CPO.


Logging a Concern


All suspected abuse or concerns about radicalisation are recorded on a Logging a Concern Form, including:

  • Date and time.

  • Child's details.

  • Factual report of the incident.

  • Name, signature, and job title of the recorder.

The CPO will decide on the appropriate action and contact relevant authorities.


Allegations Against Crew Members


Any allegations of child abuse against crew members are recorded, and relevant authorities (LADO and Ofsted) are notified. The LADO advises on further actions, including possible suspension pending investigation.


Promoting Awareness


We promote awareness through training:

  • The designated CPO receives relevant training and refresher courses.

  • Safe recruitment practices are followed.

  • All crew members understand this policy and statutory duties regarding child protection and radicalisation.

  • Crew members receive basic safeguarding and Prevent Duty training.

  • Our procedures align with 'Working Together to Safeguard Children (2018)' and 'Keeping Children Safe in Education (2023)'.


Online Safety

Incorporate guidelines and training on online safety, including recognizing and responding to cyberbullying and digital safeguarding.

Mental Health

Focus on mental health, ensuring staff are trained to recognize signs of mental health issues and support children experiencing these problems.

Use of Mobile Phones and Cameras


Photographs are only taken with parental permission. Crew members and children are prohibited from using mobile phones to take photographs during activities.


Contact Numbers and Emails

  • West Sussex Safeguarding Children Partnership: 01403 229900

  • Surrey Safeguarding Children Partnership: 0300 470 9100

  • LADO for West Sussex: 0330 222 6450

  • LADO for Surrey: 0300 123 1650

  • Anti-terrorist hotline: 0800 789 321

  • NSPCC: 0808 800 5000

  • Childline: 0800 1111

  • Ofsted: 0300 123 1231

Related Policies:

Review and Update:


  • Reviewed: 25 June 2024

  • Review Period: Every 24 months

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The Man In The Moon

Passfield Business Centre

Lynchborough Road

Passfield, Liphook

GU30 7SB

Telephone: 07825 167317

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The Man In The Moon | Surrey | England | UK © 2025

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